The 16th Conference of IFEAMA at Moscow (Russia)


19-20 May 2022
The State University of Management (Moscow, Russia)

The event is hosted by The State University of Management (Moscow, Russia) and co-organized under the auspices of the International Federation of East Asian Management Associations both being globally known for their research in management technologies, communication and social sciences.

16th International IFEAMA Conference will be held during May 19-20, 2022, in Moscow, Russia. IFEAMA 2022 aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects of managerial studies in the transforming digital world.

Plenary discussion

Economic growth of East Asian countries in the context of a pandemic: sources, facts and illusions

The influence of “digital” giants on the development of the economy, digital “bubbles”: who “inflate” them and why

Digital management of the economy: how to build up and when will it be necessary to stop?

Keynote speakers: Moderator and 5-7experts, including representatives of IFEAMA member countries.


Section №1 Development of the management theory in the conditions of limited offline communications

Section №2 Methods of regulating the economy using digital technologies

Section №3 Models and methods of providing public digital services

Section №4 Legal, social and psychological aspects of digitalization

Section №5 Cybersecurity

Section №6 New information systems, software and hardware solutions

Section №7 Solving environmental problems using Internet resources and technologies

Section №8 Financial management and creation of business ecosystems

Section №9 HR management in conditions of limited offline communications

Section №10 Production management and digital technologies

Section №11 Development of marketplace models

Section №12 Design and monetization of new digital products and services

Section №13 Development of Big Data Mining, SMM and intelligent targeting technologies in business management

Organizing Committee



Professor, Rector, State University of Management



Professor, Vice-rector, State University of Management


Gennadiy Azoev

Professor, State University of Management, Official representative of Russia in IFEAMA


Ekaterina Sumarokova

Associate professor, State University of Management


Vasiliy Starostin

Associate professor, Head of Advertising and PR Chair, State University of Management


19-20 May 2022
The State University of Management, (Moscow, Russia)

Call for papers

All accepted submissions will be published. One person can be an author or a co-author in a maximum of two articles. The number of pages for each article – not less than 6, no more than 10. The maximum amount of co-authors in one article – no more than 5. All accepted articles will be published in a journal indexed in Scopus/ WoS Arrangement

Important dates and Deadlines


End of March 2022

Full paper

End of April 2022

Deadline for registration

20 April

IFEAMA Conference in Moscow

19-20 May 2022

Contact Information

Ms Ekaterina Sumarokova
PhD, State University of Management